News & Reviews
Piano World - (Holland)
From Piano World-(Piano Word) The Netherlands April 2001
How do you recognize a real Polish Chopin? The best test is to take a mazurka and to listen to how the dance rhythm propels the meter. Many Polish pianists are masters of this art, having been fed these dances since birth.
Marjan Kiepura's enjoyable CD, Images of a Homeland, contains a broad selection of mazurkas, recorded with great feeling for rhythmic duality. However, Kiepura also reveals his American roots in the layered tone formation, pointing to the American-Russian school of the Lhevinne couple. In so doing, Kiepura will rarely explore the deeper riffs in Chopin's music, but that does not diminish the fact that this is an extremely entertaining, brilliant CD, for those oppressive days where you can pass on the red wine and would prefer a sip of champagne.
Elger Niels