Merry Christmas 1930 from The cast and crew of Marta Eggerth's first movie, the musical comedy "Die Bräutigams Witwe" - Patria Productions

Fröhliche Weinachten! Merry Christmas, ¡Feliz Navidad!, Joyeux Noël, Feliz Natal 1930

The cast and crew of Marta Eggerth's first movie, the musical comedy "Die Bräutigams Witwe" "The Bridegroom's Widow" wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from Elstree Studios in December 1930.

Music by Austrian Operetta composer Hans May (1856-1959) who died in exile in Britain. Recently referred to as the Unsung Hero of the Silver Screen.

Cinematographer Heinrich Gärtner, standing with camera, top left, fled to Spain in 1933, He became known as the famous Enrique Guerner.

Sitting next to Marta Eggerth is Director Richard Eichberg. Also in photo Georg Alexander and Fritz Kampers. The famous actress Senta Soeneland (1882-1934) standing behind Richard Eichberg and George Alexander.

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